sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2005

Papa João Paulo II / Pope John Paul II

Uma vez que estive ausente não pude prestar a minha devida homenagem a tempo.
Aqui vai...à memória de um grande homem que soube aproximar os jovens à igreja e soube respeitar raças, credos e religiões (não sendo eu católico, isto diz-me muito). Que a memória dele seja eterna e que viva agora na paz dos anjos que ele bem merece.

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Because I wasn't at home these past two weeks I couldn't pay my respects to Pope John Paul II but today being the last day of the funeral I decided to write something.
He was a great man that knew how to approach the youth to the church and respected races, creeds and religions (not being catholic myself).
That his memory lives long and that he can rest now in the peace of the angels that he deserves it.

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