domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2005

Frase da Semana / Quote of the Week

Andei ausente dos blogs durante um tempo por falta de pc mas espero retomar a actividade para tristeza de alguns e alegrias de muitos.

E aqui vai de novo a frase de semana...

"Na matemática do amor, um mais um é igual a tudo, e dois menos um é igual a nada."
(by Mignon Mclaughlin)

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I have been away for sometime from my blog because I didn't have a computer available to use it. But here I am again. For some it's a reason of sadness but for many it's a motive of satisfaction to have me back.

Here goes this weeks quote...

"In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing."
(by Mignon McLaughlin)

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